Wandsworth & Westminster MIND Support the No2H8 Crime Awards

We are honoured to partner on the No2H8 Crime Awards with Wandsworth & Westminster Mind. They have been delivering services and support for people living in Wandsworth and Westminster and in neighbouring boroughs for over 40 years. Their aim is to help people in local communities to have better mental health and well-being and to live the best lives possible.

  • Why do you think No2H8 Crime Awards is a positive annual event?

The No2H8 Awards are a positive event as they raise awareness about hate crimes in our community and bring together people who work tirelessly to decrease and ultimately eradicate this problem.

  • Why is it important for groups to work together and be seen working together?

Working together helps us by pooling information, expertise and resources as we do through CATCH (Community Alliance to Combat Hate) project.

In addition, by working together, we give a clear message that we will continue to bring people who represent diverse communities together. We give a message that we work together to facilitate harmony, understanding, mutual respect and dialogue, by emphasizing the common values of different cultures and religions. Our message is that we enjoy our differences, while respecting the others.

  • What is the main difficulty with tackling disability and mental health hate crimes?

The main difficulty has been impact of disability and mental health on people’s ability and willingness to pursue their achievable goals and cases as far as a complaint to the Police and subsequent possible prosecutions.

In addition to this, further detrimental impact on people’s mental health and increased vulnerability that limits willingness and ability to join services in community.

  • Why is it essential for communities to maintain vigilance against hatred, intolerance and prejudice?

To continue to raise awareness of the existence of the hate crime problem and of the necessity to overcome it.  While it is encouraging that people are more confident in coming forward to report hate crimes and that attitudes are changing for the better, even one hate crime is one too many.

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